Someone died today…

Sunrise, KauaiSomeone died today.

This person was someone’s child, and someone’s parent. This person was someone’s sibling and someone’s best friend. Someone’s everything.

They woke up this morning with no thoughts that it would be their last day on this Earth. That it would be the last time they would get to see the sun set. The last time to push their toddler on the swing or hear them laugh. The last time to taste a piece of cheesecake or binge watch their favorite show with their spouse and laugh at how much the characters are like people they know.

They didn’t get to say goodbye to everyone or do all of the things they wanted to do while they were here. They didn’t get to grow old with the one they loved and see their grandkids play in their backyard. They didn’t get to plant the garden they’ve been meaning to or take that trip to Paris to see if it is really as romantic as everyone says it is.

They left this world with a list of regrets they can never do anything about and a to-do list of things that won’t matter at all now that they are gone. A list of people they wanted to call but put it off until they had more time and a list of people they meant to say they love you to but always figured they knew.

They woke up this morning, worried about how much they had to do at work, frustrated about the old car they had and wanting a shiny new one, feeling like a failure because everyone else seemed to have nice things and no matter how hard they tried, they just couldn’t have as great of a life as everyone else they saw. Wishing for more when they never stopped to see that they already had everything.

Someone died today.

But it wasn’t you.

Please, stop worrying about things that won’t matter. Stop putting off the things that do. Take a minute to breathe and enjoy and love all that this life has. The only person you should ever want to be better than is the person you were yesterday. So take the trip. Laugh with your kids about nothing. Say I love you every single time. Watch the sunrise and be grateful for every breath you get to take. Don’t have a list of regrets weighing down on you.

You are here. You are loved. That is enough, I promise.

Time is fleeting and we have but one life to live.

Live it. Now.


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